Several years ago GE decided to consolidate several then-recent acquisitions under one name in its Medical Systems division. A team comprised of corporate vice-presidents, general managers, upper level managers, marketing managers, and more MBA's than you could shake a stick at came up with this name:
which abbreviates to
Of course, after the ordinary folk of the company provided their immediate feedback, this high-performing team (did I mention the MBA's?) dropped the "Healthcare" and the new group was launched. The point is, that if they had replaced just one of those MBA's with just about any 11-year-old boy, they could have saved themselves a lot of needless organizational embarrassment.
If you think they've learned this lesson, read on . . .
On their corporate web site, GE has a page where you can draw your own sketches and e-mail them to people. So, if you know anyone who works at GE just imagine the fun you can have sending them this sketch:
Again, any 11-year-old boy could have spotted the potential for this. But why not put your own Imagination At Work to come up with your own unique misuse of this page?
And on the political scene, folks on the web have had a Laff Riot using the Bush-Cheney election sign generator:

The good folks over at the Bush-Cheney campaign have now disabled this feature, but again, any 11-year-old boy could have shown them the opportunity for mischief up front.
Just a little helpful hint. "People helping people" is what Wally Phillips used to say . . .