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wow is amazing hoe the troops can make that horrible mistake, but in some way is funny. this is clear why at the age of 18 you can join the army, but you can't drink

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Crazily astounding! Wow…you simply are amazing at narration dude. Thank you for sharing this with us. This is definitely must-read information especially for the researchers. Keep on submitting such work, it is damn useful.


This picture represents what living without peace is. I am surprised with the soldiers.


I'm not sure anyone pointed this out to you, but it's in lolcat, based off of cat macros.


I'm not sure anyone pointed this out to you, but it's in lolcat, based off of cat macros.


I'm not sure anyone pointed this out to you, but it's in lolcat, based off of cat macros.


Our smart soldiers gave Kerry a swift boot.

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