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John Smart

We are gonna have a woman president!!! whoo hoo.
so if dividing the colorodo electotral vote was a ploy by DEMS - is the california GOP attempt to force thru a similar measure also a ploy? or - as usual - are the rules different for Republicans?
Go Hillary!!!

John Smart

We are gonna have a woman president!!! whoo hoo.
so if dividing the colorodo electotral vote was a ploy by DEMS - is the california GOP attempt to force thru a similar measure also a ploy? or - as usual - are the rules different for Republicans?
Go Hillary!!!


Hold on. When Bill Clinton ran for President, Hillary said that you get two for the price of one. (She meant the voters. Lobbyists had to pay each one.) She said that "we are the Office of the President." She was the "co-president." It's only the twenty-second amendment that doesn't consider Hillary as already having been President.

If she talked to Eleanore Roosevelt when she was First Lady, will Hillary speak with FDR when she becomes President?


..unless a certain FORMER VP decides to make a run for it.

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