From William Katz:
It is the U.S. Capitol, outdoors. Chief Justice John Roberts rises from his seat and takes his place. The president-elect then stands and faces the chief justice. The presidential spouse places a Bible between them.
CHIEF JUSTICE: Please raise your right hand and repeat after me. I, Hillary Rodham Clinton...
HILLARY: I, Hillary Rodham, and, when I need it, Clinton...
CHIEF JUSTICE: do solemnly swear...
HILLARY: do vaguely commit...
CHIEF JUSTICE: that I will faithfully execute the office of President of the United States...
HILLARY: that I will be President of the United States, and execute whom I please...
CHIEF JUSTICE: and will, to the best of my ability...
HILLARY: and will, with my charm and cash...
CHIEF JUSTICE: preserve, protect and defend the Constitution of the United States...
HILLARY: get Scalia's butt off the Supreme Court, followed by yours, pal...
CHIEF JUSTICE: so help me God.
HILLARY: So help me me.
CHIEF JUSTICE: Congratulations.
HILLARY: Now take off the black dress and sit down.
Cannons fire their salute. The Marine band plays "Hail to the Chief." Bill Clinton cabs to the White House to check the fridge.
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