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Wayne Simmonds

The one I remember from my days at primary school around the early 6o's goes

Fire Engines have 8 wheels
and four passengers,
4 + 8 = 12
12inches makes a ruler
Queen Victoria ruled the seven seas,
Fish live in the Seas,
Fish have Fins,
The Fins hate the russians,
Russians are Red,
Fire Engines are Always Rushin'
so that is why they are Red.

Tammy Hall

A fire engine is a truck
It takes two people to truck.
Two people have four feet,
Four feet is a ruler,
Queen Mary was the ruler of the sea.
Fishes are in the sea.
Fishes have Fins.
The Fins fight the Russians.
The Russians are called Red.
And that is why Fire Engines are painted red.

I used to stutter. My parents gave me various things to memorize and say to help me organize my thoughts and practice words. I was born in 1948, so the references are older than the one that caused this reply. I guess to truck was to dance or it was the name of a dance. That reference was even older.

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