An excerpt from The Right View Wisconsin:
When I saw Barack Obama and Joe Biden on Friday morning TV program and they were asked about McCain's VP pick, they both looked like they were completely disorientated and did not know which way was up.
In my opinion, John McCain is deeply inside of the Obama campaign's OODA Loop. He has them very disorientated to the point that they are not sure what they are doing. There minds have turned to mush and they are not capable of thinking straight at this point. This was a brilliant case of mis-direction on the part of John McCain.
This campaign is quickly turning into a contest between the "Fighter Pilot" and the "Rock Star" I am not advocating for the election of John McCain, in fact I may not even vote for him. But from what I have seen so far and now that I have a basic understanding of the OODA Loop, I have a lot more respect for John McCain than I did just a week ago.
I don't know what else McCain has up his sleeve but I'm sure that he has a few more tricks for Barack Obama and I'm sure that Obama will become even more disorientated in the coming weeks than he is right now. If I were betting on this race, I would put my money on the "Fighter Pilot", he is much more experienced, he is making faster and so far better decisions, he has Obama on the defensive and most importantly, he is inside of Obama's Loop and I think he is closing in for the kill.
OODA = Observe-Orientate-Decide-Act and is a concept that was developed about 50 years ago by the late fighter pilot Col. John Boyd.