An excerpt from Turtle Progress:
“No one is coming” —Nathaniel Branden
Do you long for someone or something to rescue you from the deep dark hole you’re hunkered down in? Are you pinning all of your hopes on a white knight? A winning lottery ticket? A mysterious but knowledgeable stranger? A crash diet?
Despite the desperate times we’ve endured by toughing things out and taking care of ourselves, part of us still wishes for an easy way out of life’s difficulties. Over time I’ve discovered, however, that this kind of thinking isn’t easy at all. You get to feeling victimized and hopeless and lonely and bitter.
No one is coming to save me. Or you. Deus ex machina is in the shop for repairs. Permanently!
And that’s good news.
It’s good news because it means we can take action and build our own bridge to our goals. We don’t have to sit around waiting for the magical construction company to materialize. We take the risk of building an imperfect bridge—that’s how DIY projects are, you know—but every quirk of its construction will only remind us of how far we’ve come, and who we are.
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