From Bill O'Reilly:
With the possible exceptions of Richard Nixon and George W. Bush, no modern era politician has been more derided by the media than Sarah Palin. And the attacks do not stop with her. They include nasty rumors about her family and even the mocking of her children.
Palin has responded to some of the vitriol in her new book, Going Rogue, hoping to give readers her side on controversies like the expensive clothes, the interview gaffes and Alaska's "Troopergate" case.
How have the media received the former Alaska governor's side of the story? Not well. She is being called a whiner and an ingrate, among other things.
Uber-liberal Cynthia Tucker of the Atlanta Journal-Constitution says: "There is absolutely nothing in Sarah Palin's past that suggested she was ever going to let the past go. She's always been petty. She's always been vindictive."
Let's get this straight: Media people like Tucker can hammer Palin all day long, but if she defends herself, she's petty and vindictive.
Aren't the American media swell?
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Posted by: oakley sunglasses | 05/13/2011 at 07:57 PM