He needs paying customers now:
Then just over a year ago, I was let go from NewsGator. For the record, it was the right decision, and there are absolutely no bad feelings between myself and NewsGator. They treated me very well while I was there, and I'm still friends with my co-workers.
But that left me in a tight spot: I had to pay the bills with whatever money FeedDemon generated, and as popular as FeedDemon is, it's not popular enough to bring in enough cash through ads alone. And very few people were paying just to get rid of the ads (can you blame them?).
For a year I kept FeedDemon free, and I started work on FeedDemon 4.0 in the hopes I could find a way to keep it free yet still pay the bills. But eventually it was clear that the only way to keep FeedDemon (and myself) going was to start charging for it again, and I figured the best way to do that was to come out with a free ad-supported Lite version with fewer features, along with a for-pay Pro version that had all the features and no ads. That way there would still be a free version, which I knew had to exist, while at the same time there would be a way I could charge for a more feature-rich version.
Then, in his very next post, he lists My Top 20 Minor Annoyances: (emphasis mine)
So, in no particular order, here they are:
- People who blow their nose in restaurants
- Lights that are controlled by more than one switch
- Wearing wet socks
- Dr. Phil
- "New" music which rips off classic rock
- Fitness fanatics who worry about eating too much at Thanksgiving and Christmas
- Fake eyebrows
- People who think you can't see them picking their nose because they're in their car
- Athletes who all-too-obviously thank god when they win a game
- Doorbells that play music
- Anyone who tries to cure your hiccups
Sarah Palin
- TV commercials that are twice as loud as the show you're watching
- Walking down stairs and thinking there's another step when there isn't one
- Being woken up by the sound of your own snoring
- Food with an unreadable expiration date
- Slow elevators
- Waiting for a long time at a red light when there's no other traffic in sight
- People in an audience who loudly say "Shhhhh!" when everyone is supposed to be quiet
- Clogging up the toilet in someone else's house
In one line, he antagonizes 50 percent of his potential customers, for no real reason.
Sorry, Nick, but I won't be sending you money anytime soon.
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That way there would still be a free version, which I knew had to exist, while at the same time there would be a way I could charge for a more feature-rich version.
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Athletes who all-too-obviously thank god when they win a game.
They only annoy him because they still vote democrat/socialist. If they were conservative, he would sick the ACLU on them and have the locker room declared a spiritual Love Canal.
Posted by: TooMuchTime | 01/04/2011 at 01:39 PM
For the record, I know that you can see me picking my nose. I'm doing it with the intent of annoying you.
Posted by: Jason in San Diego | 01/04/2011 at 10:47 AM
Oh, please! A liberal that finds Sarah Palin as only a "minor annoyance." Right.
If he would have listed them in order, Sarah Palin would have been numbers 1 thru 19.
Posted by: TooMuchTime | 12/28/2010 at 12:15 PM
You can be Republican, and still think Sarah Palin is a minor annoyance, on the same level as, say "Lights that are controlled by more than one switch" I mean, that's a pretty minor thing, isn't it?
(Not that I'm defending the guy. I've never even been to his site)
Posted by: Maven | 12/25/2010 at 11:27 AM
As another commenter said: "My number 1 annoyance is people who talk politics in places which I expect to be politics free. Are there no politics free zones left?
And here's a tip for you. Don't piss of potential paying customers by expressing your political views."
Posted by: Tom McMahon | 12/23/2010 at 04:02 PM
Simply because he labeled Sarah Palin a *minor* annoyance? If you agree with her views, I think its reasonable to see her as being annoying based purely on how much attention she's getting and how many shows she's on.
Its not like the man went off on a major tirade talking about how stupid or evil she was.
Posted by: Nick | 12/23/2010 at 11:32 AM