Chapay: A Russian Game That's A Cross Between Checkers and Shuffleboard
From Bernie DeKoven's
I love this little game – a Russian variant of checkers that actually has very little to do with checkers, and a lot to do with games like Subbuteo – it’s all about flicking. Here’s what the author of the site has to say: “This well forgotten game of my childhood was named after Chapayev – the legendary hero of Civil War in Russia. The goal of the game is to sweep all opponent’s checkers from the chessboard by flicking your own checkers. Players make flicks by the turn. Red Army (what a surprise!) starts the game. If you destroyed at least one opponent’s checker without losing any of yours, you get an extra flick. When all opponent’s checkers are destroyed, winning army moves one line forward, if the army wins without loss, it moves two lines forward. The army which reaches the opposite side of the chessboard wins the game. It’s pretty easy to win the first battle, however, the farther the Red Army moves – the stronger is the White Army defense…”
Like I said, it’s definitely not checkers. But it’s something else you can play with your very own checker board. And it’s kind of strategic. And kind of like some kind of battle or something Fourth of July worthy. I mean, you can almost feel the British coming. Except that it’s a Russian game. And it’s fun.
Play the online game here.