11/04/2006 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (6)
Tags: jon carry
The picture was first revealed yesterday on the blog Web site of Milwaukee talk radio host Charlie Sykes, who said he got it from a listener who had a buddy in the unit. Way to go, Charlie!
11/03/2006 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (7)
I ran this last fall, but now that it's spring you should probably check those tires again . . .
04/27/2006 in Crime, Humor, Kerry, Wisconsin | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (1)
This is from the April 10, 1944 cover of Time magazine. Republican Governor and US Senator.
07/09/2005 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From Daniel J. Flynn:
Leftists have invested so much in discrediting George W. Bush that their fervor has inhibited their abilities to think rationally. Pre-election taunts of "accidental president" and "re-defeat Bush" allowed the Bush haters to benefit from the illusion that they represented majority opinion. November 2, one might think, would have shattered that illusion. It didn’t.
Today's comforting myth is sure to deliver real pain in the future. If one fails to even accept defeat, how can one identify the problems that led to defeat? Since the problems that brought on John Kerry's Election Day loss are in no small part due to the Left, concluding that the Massachusetts senator was never in fact defeated relieves leftists of the necessity to look inward critically.
As psychologist Nathaniel Branden has said, "You can't leave a place you've never been."
01/25/2005 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
From Jay Nordlinger:
The best line I heard uttered by a TV commentator yesterday was from a correspondent at Fox News. I forget who it was. He was noting that Senator Kerry was seated only 30 feet from where the president would speak, "And what a difference 30 feet makes."
01/24/2005 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (1) | TrackBack (0)
From Thomas Sowell
This year's Joseph Goebbels award goes by a narrow but decisive margin to CBS News anchorman Dan Rather for his planned broadcast on "60 Minutes" -- just days before the election -- to discredit President Bush's National Guard service 30 years earlier. Leave aside for the moment the fact that discrepancies in the documents he relied on have convinced experts and many others that they were forgeries. Why was what George W. Bush did or didn't do 30 years earlier "news" in 2004?
It was news by Dr. Goebbels' standard -- something that could lead to desired political reactions by the audience. Waiting until it would have been virtually impossible for an effective answer to be made before election day was in the same Goebbels spirit. Had the documents been real, Dan Rather would still have been a strong contender for the award. The fact that virtually everyone, with the notable exception of Mr. Rather, now regards those documents as fake -- instead of simply "not authenticated" -- makes Dan Rather the clear winner of the Joseph Goebbels award for 2004.
Dan Rather, another lying, cheating Democrat, richly deserves this award. Congrats, Dan! Now just go away . . .
12/27/2004 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (29) | TrackBack (0)
From David Freddoso
Are Red Staters really the uneducated rubes that so many beautiful Blue people make them out to be? Maybe. But Oklahomans, Hoosiers, and Idahoans have at least one thing over their well-educated New York counterparts — they can at least spell their presidential candidate's name correctly.
12/22/2004 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (0) | TrackBack (0)
John Hawkins has compiled The Best Quotes From The Last 52 Jonah Goldberg Columns. Here's just one:
I'm not saying there are no good arguments against the war. I am saying that many of you don't care about the war. If Bill Clinton or Al Gore had conducted this war, you would be weeping joyously about Iraqi children going to school and women registering to vote. If this war had been successful rather than hard, John Kerry would be boasting today about how he supported it — much as he did every time it looked like the polls were moving in that direction. You may have forgotten Kerry's anti-Dean gloating when Saddam was captured, but many of us haven't. He would be saying the lack of WMDs are irrelevant and that Bush's lies were mistakes. And that's the point. I don't care if you hate George W. Bush; it's not like I love the guy. And I don't care if you opposed the war from day one. What disgusts me are those people who say toppling Saddam and fighting the terror war on their turf rather than ours is a mistake, not because these are bad ideas, but merely because your vanity cannot tolerate the notion that George W. Bush is right or that George W. Bush's rightness might cost John Kerry the election. I get e-mails from you people every day and I see your candidate on TV every night. Shame on you all.
12/13/2004 in Kerry | Permalink | Comments (3) | TrackBack (0)