I didn't know this until yesterday, of course. It all started out with Jessica McBride, Journalism Lecturer at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee, posting a photo album on Facebook titled "Little Irish dancers with my IRA bodhran!" with a bunch of pictures of her kid and some other kid banging on an Irish drum (bodhran). The following exchange ensued:
Jesse Back What is the diff between an IRA bodhran and a regular bodhran?
Tom McMahon Made by murderous terrorists?
Jessica McBride Irish freedom fighters!
Jessica McBride @Jesse no difference. But I got this from a Native American friend of mine who was gifted it by a member of the IRA.
Tom McMahon Really, Jessica, you support these terrorists?
Paul Bird-Dog Strnad uh oh.....I'm running for cover >>>>>>
Jessica McBride lol
Jessica McBride I support Irish freedom.
Jessica McBride They don't want British rule; neither did America, remember?
Jesse Back Are you sure that the people of Northern Ireland don't want to remain in the UK?
Jessica McBride Some of them do
Tom McMahon I support Irish freedom. <<< No, you support terrorists.
Jessica McBride Were the American revolutionaries terrorists?
Jesse Back Logistics and transportation of the era made it almost impossible to commit terrorist acts in the modern definition. You could make a case that both sides committed atrocities at various times during the First War of Independence. But, and I don't know the answer, are you sure that the people living in Northern Ireland want to leave the UK? And, if they don't, what is your opinion on what should happen?
Tom McMahon The IRA were a murderous bunch of terrorist thug.
Domingo Leguizamon Hurray for the Irish and Basque freedom fighters!
Jessica McBride watch Michael Collins
Jessica McBride It's interesting the double standard you have for the Irish vs. American revolutionaries
Jesse Back I've taken no judgemental position on either. But, do you know whether or not the majority of people in Northern Ireland want to leave the UK?
Jesse Back It seems that most don't and those that do aren't in a hurry.
Support for a United Ireland in Northern Ireland continues to fall
Tom McMahon Jessica, it's interesting the double standard you have for the Irish vs. Al-Qaeda terrorists. Or do you support them both?
Jessica McBride Of course not. Did u support the american revolutiin?
Jessica McBride Revolution
Jesse Back No Surrender! Mom was a first generation Irish descent American, family name Herron. I don't know much about her at all but I know she was an Episcopalian. I guess that makes me half Orange. I know the German and Scottish parts of my heritage very well. Not too informed on the Irish. But the Scots were Irish first so I hope you'll consider us cousins.
Tom McMahon Jessica, your equating the murderous Irish Republican Army to our Founding Fathers is disgusting beyond belief.
Jessica McBride I think your accusing me of supporting Al Qaeda because I support Irish freedom in their own homeland is disgusting beyond belief.
Tom McMahon Jessica, you're supporting terrorism.
Jessica McBride blah blah blah!
Jessica McBride the Irish have a right to kick the British out of their own damn county!
Doreen MH Wigderson OMG - really? All this over two girls enjoying an Irish Drum? Get a life...
Tom McMahon the Irish have a right to kick the British out of their own damn county! <<< The last I checked, Ireland was an independent country, free of British Rule.
Tom McMahon So Doreen, are you an IRA supporter too?
Doreen MH Wigderson What I see here is someone like yourself trying to make something more out of something than it is. I am an American. My family has been here on this land since the 1600's. And that is my daughter in that picture having fun dancing with her friend with a drum. Get a life-asshole.
Tom McMahon Unless I hear otherwise, I'll take that as a "Yes"
Doreen MH Wigderson Tom McMahon Sometimes two kids play with a drum and it is what it is. I don't owe you an answer or explanation.
James Wigderson Tom, give me a break. We're seriously - seriously - going to get into a discussion of the IRA over two little girls playing with a bodhrán? I've been posting on Irish Independence every year on St Patrick's Day, and this is what bothers you? Two girls playing on a drum? Psst. Tom. I have a secret stash of U2 music at home, and I've seen the Commitments 20 times. I watch the Quiet Man every St Patrick's Day. I eat and drink at Irish bars, and my favorite beer is Harp. You better alert Homeland Security on my Irish ass.
Jessica McBride LMFAO!!!!
Tom McMahon The kids have nothing to do with this, I hope. The fact that James Wigderson, Doreen MH Wigderson, and Jessica McBride are supporters of the terrorist Irish Republican Army is the issue. And I didn't bring it up, Jessica did ...
James Wigderson She brought it up? She mentioned the kids are playing with a drum. When you see someone driving a Volkswagen, do you call them a Nazi? By the way, Tom McMahon supports Unionist terrorism against Catholics in Ireland.
Jessica McBride In fairness, I did say it was an IRA drum. haha.
Tom McMahon James Wigderson, your statement is not true. I demand a retraction and an apology.
After all this Jessica McBride posts some hundred-year-old poster from the Irish Revolution, which sparks this blessedly shorter conversation:
Jessica McBride For Tom McMahon James Wigderson Doreen MH Wigderson
Tom McMahon Jessica McBride is a supporter of the murderous thugs of the Irish Republican Army. Shame on her.
James Wigderson Tom McMahon is a supporter of the murderous Unionist terrorists. Shame on him.
Jessica McBride lol
Tom McMahon James Wigderson, your statement is not true. I demand a retraction and an apology.
Jessica McBride Tiocfaidh ár lá!!
Jessica McBride Tom McMahon, you should change your name to remove the Mc.
Jessica McBride I have no idea why but I find this argument hilarious.
Jessica McBride I'd say it's the British who are terrorists Tom since they are the ones who invaded Ireland in the first place. So stop supporting terrorism.
Jessica then makes this post:
Which produces this bit of incredible hypocrisy:
Tom McMahon Jessica McBride, your statement is not true. I demand a retraction and an apology.
Jessica McBride Ok, I retract it and apologize. You support the British crusade against the freedom of the Irish peoples.
Jessica McBride Btw chill out! It was a joke!
Tj Flynn As a boring American/Irish/Catholic type, I never really considered any other position than of *course* one Ireland, British go home -- which in essence I still believe. Then I met a friend born in England who had a schoolmate seriously injured by a bomb planted during the troubles in the past decades. I wish people would stop hurting each other. And, yes, that the British went home. But especially stop hurting each other.
Jessica McBride I agree with you TJ
Jessica continues in yet another odd post:
By this point the comments are losing steam:
Peter DiGaudio Well, at least he didn't return Churchill's bust.
Sam Hagedorn knowing Tom I think he preferred Mrs. Churchill's bust.
Fred Dooley I think he prefers Chuch's Fried Chicken.
Paul Bird-Dog Strnad Fish n chips?
Jessica McBride with vinegar not ketchup
Jessica then makes one of her trademark incomprehensible posts:
The comment thread is really weak on this one:
Jessica McBride go ahead Doreen MH Wigderson. I triple double dog dare you with a cherry on top.
Doreen MH Wigderson Are you referring to Tom McMahon? The man who puts words in people's mouths but wants an apology? The man who thinks that everyone is an Irish Republican Army supporter because you think it's incredibly stupid that he comments crap like that about two little girls dancing to a drum?
Jessica McBride No, I was referring to the guy who videotapes people in McDonald's with a camcorder secreted in a plastic bag. That guy
Doreen MH Wigderson Oh that guy
Doreen MH Wigderson He's a loon too
Jessica McBride Note to self: Don't dare Doreen MH Wigderson anything. She will do it
Jessica McBride haha
Jessica McBride dying of laughter
Jessica McBride Yeah, that guy. The guy who peers in windshields in McDonald's parking lots.
Jessica McBride Robert DeNiro in Meet the Parents. That guy.
Doreen MH Wigderson Oh! That guy ;-)
Jessica McBride Loons one and all. But not Tom McMahon. I never said he's a loon. Or he will demand another apology and retraction.
Jessica McBride Major Strasser:
We have a complete dossier on you: Richard Blaine, American, age 37. Cannot return to his country. The reason is a little vague. We also know what you did in Paris, Mr. Blaine, and also we know why you left Paris.(hands the dossier to Rick) Major Strasser:Don’t worry, we are not going to broadcast it.Rick: (reading) Are my eyes really brown?
Finally, James Wigderson, columnist for the Waukesha Freeman, weighs in:
And the comments hit rock bottom, highlighted by the charming Mrs. Wigderson:
Tom Strini Yeah, it's kind of like calling union members socialists. Outrageous.*******
A bright, sunny Sunday. Sometimes you forget just how thin that veneer of civilization really is.
09/24/2012 in Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (20)
Three men go on a camping trip. On the way there they're told by a park ranger to be careful because their campsite is located near some dangerous animals. What dangerous animals? The park ranger won't say, because that would be profiling. "Just keep in mind", he tells them, "that people who camped there in the past never made it back alive."
As the sun goes down, they pick up their hunting rifles and stand watch for dangerous animals. But they don't know what dangerous animals, they're watching out for. And they don't want to profile. So they keep watch for crickets as much as for bears, and for deer as much as for mountain lions. A rabbit, an owl or a bullfrog all equally frighten them out of their wits. They open fire on mosquitoes and stand watch against monstrous raccoons. By the end of the night, they can hardly see anything or react to danger. That morning, a pair of mountain lions stroll lazily into their camp and find them snoring away.
This little story illustrates why we can't do things this way. Because it's stupid and it's suicidal. Human survival is based on recognizing threats, not on reacting to all stimuli because one of them might be threatening, but we don't want to single it out and make it feel bad. If we actually did things that way, we'd all be dead by now.
11/29/2010 in Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (2)
From Jeffrey Wright:
Islam means “Submit” and cannot tolerate any religion to exist independently. The “People of the book” (Jews, Christians” must also submit to Islam, in the form of dhimmitude, and pay the “jizya” (Think mafia protection money, which protects you from harm, by them) and then there will supposedly be “peace”. The command for all to submit to Islam comes directly from Allah. He demands this be a muslim world. Period. No man is above the law of Allah, all human made laws are secondary.
Given those facts, perhaps we will look at those ridiculously smug “Coexistence” designs and see them as the politically correct charades they are. Those who do not submit to Islam are infidels. Allah demands that ALL his creation covert, submit or die. Infidels remain ignorant at our own peril.
Know Islam, by it’s very own words.
03/27/2010 in Religion, Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (2)
Bewitched's Larry Tate: The Son of Actor David White (1916-1990) Was Killed By Muslim Terrorists in the Bombing of Pan Am Flight 103 Over Lockerbie, Scotland
An excerpt:
On November 26, 1990, two years after his unimaginable and shocking loss, David White passed away from a heart attack at age 74.
In June 2004, David and Jonathan White's remains were inurned inside a memorial niche at Hollywood Forever's Valentino Shrine section.
The niche contains their urns and photos of David looking adoringly at his son, first as a child and later grown-up at Jonathan's UCLA graduation. Also included are chess pieces and David White's illustrious credit-filled resume.
The focal point of the niche is the "Larry Tate" bust sculpture, a prop from a 1969 Bewitched episode that provides a look at the life mask of David White, age 53.
The niche is a moving tribute to a father's pride in his son, as well as a family's pride in the lives of these two men. It conveys a sense that this father and son were an inseparable part of each other's lives, and now in death, rest together in peace.
02/14/2010 in Television, Terrorism | Permalink | Comments (10)
How To Make Flying Safer
12/28/2009 in Terrorism, Travel | Permalink | Comments (3)